
“In her terrific book, Kelly Dorfman clearly explains how to decipher the clues to nutritional disorders that affect the body and brain. Parents will find it packed with sound advice and useful information.”

—Dr. Maurine Packard, Pediatric Neurologist, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center

“Kelly Dorfman’s book is a must read for every health professional involved
 with children. There are hidden connections between food and nearly every
 child’s well being but we aren’t adequately trained to recognize the great
 majority. Kelly generously shares her extensive knowledge and know how allowing all of us to step in more effectively, as nutrition detectives and
 agents of positive change, when faced with picky eaters, constipation, food
 allergies, speech delays, behavior disturbances… our every day cases.”

—Ioana Razi, MD, Washington, D.C.-based Pediatrician

“Kelly Dorfman understands the biomedical needs of children in a way that few others do. I have learned a tremendous amount from her.”

—Dr. Marilyn Agin, Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician and co-author of The Late Talker

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